Climate Modeling

Under what climatic conditions will it make economic sense to switch to a new irrigation system?

By Keyvan Malek and Sonia A. Hall Investing in efficient irrigation systems usually requires significant capital. As with other capital-intensive investments, doing it would only make economic sense if the benefits exceed the costs. Each farmer can estimate the cost of switching their system to a high-efficiency system. But what about the benefits? What do […]

Water for the Long Haul

By: Joye Redfield-WilderRepost from ECOconnect 2016 forecast will guide water management in Columbia River Basin Ecology’s Office of Columbia River (OCR) has a mission to “aggressively pursue development of water supplies to benefit both instream and out of stream uses.”  Since 2006, the program has been building water resiliency in Eastern Washington, especially in response […]

Considering Food-Energy-Water Interconnections in the Urban Northwest

By Liz Allen If you follow research priorities for agriculture and the environment at the federal and international level, you’re likely aware that the “Food-Energy-Water Nexus” has become something of a buzz phrase in recent years. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the National Science Foundation, for example, have put out […]

Climate Model Series (Part 5 of 5): Can we get a 2nd opinion? Why multiple models are key to understanding climate change impacts.

By Liz Allen In the Climate Modeling Series, I have explored what you need to know to interpret and use models effectively (you can find the four previous posts in the series by searching “Climate Model Series” on AgClimate). For this final installment, I’d like to use hot-off-the-press research of global significance to illustrate why, […]

Climate Data for Kickstarting Adaptation

by John Abatzoglou and Katherine Hegewisch Reprinted from: Climate of the Inland Northwest US Concerned about record breaking temperatures tomorrow, low spring snowpack this winter, or warming temperatures over the next half century? Coping mechanisms exist to minimize detrimental impacts (or maximize opportunities) from these three types and timescales of climate impacts. From the perspective […]

Climate Change and Groundwater

By CIRCulator Editorial Staff Reprinted from: The Climate CIRCulator A GREAT DEAL of attention has been paid to how climate change will affect water availability as it relates to snowpack. But far less attention has been paid to how climate change could affect ground water recharge. A recent paper in the Journal of Hydrology addresses […]

Shortcomings in Modeling Precipitation

By CIRCulator Editorial Staff Reprinted from: The Climate CIRCulator MANY CLIMATE ADAPTATION plans are largely based on climate model projections of precipitation. However, many of these models are notorious for their inability to accurately simulate seasonal rainfall at the regional level. This is especially true for the Pacific Northwest where models consistently depict summers as […]